
Why miss out on pizza tonight?
Banting Sucks Health

Why miss out on pizza tonight?

I didn’t eat pizza for years.


'Who needs it anyway,' I would say. In those days, I would avoid Italian restaurants, not wanting to be tempted by steaming plates of pasta or the smell of the pizza oven. Fresh fruit was also off the menu. I missed the crunch of a green apple, the taste of fresh mango and had to make do with berries and yoghurt. And don’t get me started on hot bread and

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Hungry? How About Some Glyphosate for Breakfast?

Hungry? How About Some Glyphosate for Breakfast?

How do you feel about eating some cancer causing herbicide for breakfast?


Recent tests have detected high levels of this toxic herbicide, called glyphosate in some popular breakfast foods. Glyphosate, listed as a probable cancer-causing agent by the World Health Organization, is the most popular herbicide in use today. Commercially sold as Roundup, it is made by Monsanto and is usually

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The Bristol Stool Chart

The Bristol Stool Chart

Stool Shapes


The shape of your poop carries an important message about the current health of your gut and will eventually reflect on your general health.


Before you can strive for normal stools, you need to know what normal poop look like. Fortunately for us that question has been answered by Dr. Ken Heaton and some fellow doctors at the University of Bristol,

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